Friday, June 22, 2007


Hi to anyone checking in here. I'm finding it very hard to keep up with this, 2 email accounts and now, a MySpace. I'm not sure how to run that last one at all. Guess I'll have to get instructions from my older son. To update you on my life, nephew Chris is once again in the land of Baghdad. I hate that he's over there, but it was his choice and I have to support his decision. He has always been a "go-getter" and one who takes life by the horns. Nothing scares him...he's always been the adventerous type. I think about him everyday; the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. I continue to send loving thoughts and prayers his way, several times a day.
Since my last entry, I have been blessed with a new grandson, Sawyer Brady. He actually turned 1 in February. He is so different from his older brother Grant (who,by the way will be 6 in July!) Sawyer is more outgoing, while Grant was more reserved. Sawyer is like the Tazmanian Daredevil.....whirling around like an out of control top! He has boundless energy and always has a smile. My biggest wish is that we could see more of him and his brother. They are both growing up and don't hardly know us.
My daughter Ashley is getting married next April. That is going to be a huge thing for me. Having both boys get married was nothing compaired to a daughter getting married. I'm thinking the banker is going to be seeing a lot of us.
I stated in my first post that I have many pets, including a very old horse. Well, this past February, we had to put my old Sandy down. I'm not really sure how old she was...over 30...
but she had a good long life. I miss her...there will never be another like her. But, I figure she's in a better place now....with her baby girl, Bourbon, who died a few years before her.
It's hot in Kansas....It's boring in Kansas....but Kansas is where I'd rather be! See ya'

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